Gemini Trust, led by Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, agreed to pay $5 million to settle a lawsuit brought by the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission over misleading statements to regulators. In a "proposed consent order" signed by the two sides on Monday, the company agreed to settle, but neither admitted nor denied the allegations in the agency's complaint. The CFTC sued Gemini in June 2022 for making "false or misleading statements of material fact". The agency said Gemini in 201...
Cameron 和 Tyler Winklevoss领导的 Gemini Trust 同意支付 500 万美元,以了结美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)因其向监管机构做出的误导性陈述而提起的诉讼。在双方周一签署的“拟议同意令”中,该公司同意和解,但既不承认也不否认该机构投诉中的指控。 CFTC 于 2022 年 6 月起诉 Gemini 做出“重大事实的虚假或误导性陈述”。该机构表示,Gemini 在 201...
Gemini co-founder Cameron Winklevoss posted on the X platform that the SEC's war on cryptocurrencies is evil, but at least it's largely public. In contrast, the coordinated effort by the Federal Reserve, OCC, and FDIC to eliminate the banking of cryptocurrencies is an evil act carried out in secret under the cover of the Patriot Act and other federal prerogatives. So you can expect their behavior to be 10 times worse than that of the SEC. Now is the time to uncover the political enemies who allo...
Gemini联合创始人Cameron Winklevoss在X平台发文称,SEC对加密货币的战争是邪恶的,但至少它在很大程度上是公开的。相比之下,美联储、OCC和FDIC协调一致的努力来消除加密货币的银行业务,是在《爱国者法案》和其他联邦特权的掩护下,在暗中进行的邪恶行为。所以你可以预料到他们的行为会比SEC糟糕10倍。现在是时候揭开允许联邦银行监管机构这样做并迫害他们的政治敌人...
Gemini co-founder Cameron Winklevoss posted on the X platform that Merrick Garland's Justice Department refused to bring campaign finance charges against SBF because they were not included in his extradition. In other words, doing so would technically violate the treaty between the United States and the government of the Bahamas, as the United States only agreed to extradite SBF on non-campaign charges. Garland's Justice Department has not...
Gemini联合创始人CameronWinklevoss在X平台发文称,梅里克·加兰的司法部拒绝对 SBF 提起竞选财务指控,因为这些指控并未包含在他的引渡中。换句话说,这样做在技术上违反了美国与巴哈马政府的条约,因为美国只同意以非竞选指控引渡SBF。加兰的司法部没有与巴...
On November 11, Gemini co-founder Cameron Winklevoss wrote on the X platform: "Bitcoin's path to $80,000 is paved by stable ETF demand, not the" fear of missing out " (FOMO) psychology of retail investors. There is little hype. People buy ETFs, but don't sell much. This is sticky HODL capital, and the reserve price continues to climb. Where are we in the cycle now? We just won the coin flip (referring to Trump's victory), and the game (or cycle) has not officially started yet."
11月11日消息,Gemini联合创始人Cameron Winklevoss在X平台发文称:“比特币达到8万美元的道路是由稳定的ETF需求铺就的,并非散户的“害怕错过”(FOMO)心理。几乎没有大肆宣扬。人们购买ETF,却不怎么卖出。这是粘性HODL类资本,底价持续攀升。我们现在处于周期的哪个阶段?我们刚刚在抛硬币游戏中赢了(指特朗普胜选),比赛(或周期)尚未正式开始。”
Howard Winklevoss, the father of twins Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, cryptocurrency entrepreneurs and Gemini founders, has donated $4 million worth of Bitcoin to his alma mater, GroveCity College. This is the first time the college has received a donation in Bitcoin that will be used to fund new business courses. Howard Winklevoss first invested in Bitcoin in 2013, considering it "a non-governmental, fixed-supply digital currency, in short, a sound currency that functions like email." Tyler Wink...
加密货币企业家、Gemini创始人Winklevoss兄弟Cameron和TylerWinklevoss双胞胎的父亲HowardWinklevoss向其母校GroveCityCollege捐赠了价值400万美元的比特币。这是该学院首次收到比特币捐赠,将用于资助新的商业课程。 HowardWinklevoss于2013年首次投资比特币,认为比特币是"非政府的、具有固定供应的数字货币,简而言之,就是像电子邮件一样运作的健全货币"。 TylerWinklevoss表示,父亲在GroveCi...
Analyst Cameron Crise said the much-anticipated Waller speech triggered market volatility, with one notable comment being that he would support strong action/early rate cuts if necessary. But the market suddenly...
Analyst Cameron Crise said the employment data at first glance looked very close to the apparent consensus, albeit with a revision to the previous value. The unemployment rate fell to 4.2%, in line with the median forecast but indicating a reversal in the recent upward trend, which is somewhat comforting, especially with the participation rate unchanged, household employment increased by 168,000, close to the increase in non-farm payrolls (142,000). It is important to note that the previous mont...
Macro strategist Cameron Crise said that throughout the post-epidemic period, the Fed's Beige Book has been pessimistic about economic growth, with the most optimistic assessment of the U.S. economic expansion being "moderate". The latest Beige Book, on the other hand, pointed to "modest" growth in three regions, and flat or even negative growth in nine other regions. This is slightly inferior to the previous report. In isolation, this sounds bad, and to be sure, the Fed can use this as an excus...